Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There you go!!!

It's been ages since i last wrote.no,wait,let me rephrase this...it's been ages since i last wrote a blog post..and i am about to do the honours.check.launch a new blog.check...so much for my exalted ambitions..phewwww!!..
*takes a deep breadth*.....THERE YOU GO!!!
now you wait and watch,you can't accuse me of procrastinating anymore...  :P..

The idea for this blog came to me suddenly on one of my many S9 bus-rides.it's practically impossible for me to remember the exact date,on which i had this epiphany.nonetheless,i do remember that particular day.It was one of those days when i was alone and instead of resenting my loneliness throughout the bus journey,i was actually revelling on it for a change.
My tryst with S9 started an year back and since then,there has been literally no looking back for me.clichéd though it might sound,S9 bus-rides went on to become an integral part of me.Months progressed and so did my growing acquaintances with other S9 loyalists like me.It came to permeate my life in some weird,uncanny way and somehow always seemed to find expression in all my thoughts regarding my college..it was almost as if JU and S9 were both inseparable entities and none could survive sans the other for me..now,this can be regarded as harmless exagerration on my part but consciously or unconsciously somewhere i had allowed S9 entry into the intricate framework of my life..S9 rides with the group that i had found for myself,came to be a part of my life..i will talk about my friends in the subsequent blog-posts..
So that day,it was different.i was all alone.
More than out of choice,it was the sheer necessity of not dwelling on why i was all alone on that day,that propelled me to put my head out of the window.As the cold air struck me lightly on my face,i could see my life receding backwards as the bus ironically moved forward..i was flooded with memories..nostalgia overflowed and suffused me...till i woke up to a breadth-taking spectacle before me..the lake which i always jokingly referred to as 'the sea' was in front of me bathed with the crimson light of the setting sun.it was the moment when i had my first epiphany...and it was then that this idea of having this blog dedicated to my S9 bus-rides came to me..i wanted to confine all my memories centered round this bus in this blog..so that later when i cease to be young,and spirited...weathered by time and experience,i had the power to turn back time and revisit all the memories of my college days..i believe,i will be more eloquent and articulate then and so i guess,had i penned down these memories then,i would have probably given it better expression,but i am scared that with the ravages of TIME..all these blissfull and not so blissful memories might fade away and be obliterated..i want to preserve these memories for posterity's sake ..*so much for my exalted ambitions again*..
this post was just an intoduction to this blog.....the rest will soon follow,,i also want my friends to share their observations with us here.....and i promise to be back soon..

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